Alger Heights Schools


Elementary Schools

Brookside Elementary

Brookside Elementary

Located at 2505 Madison Ave. SE, Brookside Elementary is part of the Grand Rapids Public Schools District. The school serves approximately 274 students in Grades K – 5 and participates in a district-created, district-wide Academic Plan centered around Career and College Readiness curriculum. The school day begins at 8:30 AM and ends at 3:21 PM. Brookside participates in the LOOP Program, a free, teacher-led after-school care option providing students recreational activities, field trips and tutoring/homework assistance beginning immediately after the final bell until 5:30 – 6:00 PM, with transportation back home provided for students participating three or more days a week.

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Located at 1951 Plymouth Ave SE, Immaculate Heart of Mary is a private Roman Catholic affiliated elementary school serving approximately 396 students in Grades PK – 8. The school day is seven hours in length. In addition to general curriculum, the school features daily prayer, weekly masses, and religion classes along with accelerated classes, music and band courses, Spanish instruction, on-site tutoring and extra-curricular activities including athletics, art, scouting and Student Leadership Council. Before- and After-School care is available along with All Day Child Care.

Grand Rapids Christian Elementary

Grand Rapids Christian Elementary

Located at 1050 Iroquois Dr SE, Grand Rapids Christian Elementary is a private Christian affiliated elementary school serving students in Grades PK – 4, with Morning, Afternoon and All-Day Preschool programs available for students age 3 – 5. The school uses the Michigan Curriculum Framework and standards for teaching; course offerings include Bible, Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, Spanish and Social Studies, Art, Music, Physical Education, and computer technology. The school day begins at 8:35 AM and ends at 3:35 PM. Before- and After-School care is available beginning at 7:00 AM and ending at 6:00 PM as well as lunchtime care for preschoolers between 11:20 AM – 12:45 PM.

Vista Charter Academy

Vista Charter Academy

Located at 711 32nd St SE, Vista Charter Academy is a tuition-free public charter school offering Young Fives Kindergarten and Grades K – 8, with a highly academic and morally focused curriculum that is built around math, reading, science and social studies while focusing on a different virtue (e.g. Respect, Gratitude, Self-Control, Compassion) each month. The school day begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 3:15 PM and our summer office hours are 7:30-4 Tue-Fri, Mon 7:30-7pm. Se habla español.


Middle Schools

Alger Middle School

Alger Middle School

Located at 921 Alger St. SE, Alger Middle School is part of the Grand Rapids Public Schools District. The school serves approximately 510 students in Grades 6 – 8 and participates in a district-created, district-wide Academic Plan centered around Career and College Readiness curriculum. The school day begins at 7:45 AM and ends at 2:23 PM. Alger MIddle School participates in the LOOP Program, a free, teacher-led after-school care option providing students recreational activities, field trips and tutoring/homework assistance beginning immediately after the final bell until 5:30 – 6:00 PM, with transportation back home provided for students participating three or more days a week.

Grand Rapids Christian Middle School

Grand Rapids Christian Middle School

Located at 1875 Rosewood SE, Grand Rapids Christian Middle School is a private Christian affiliated middle school serving students in Grades 5 – 8. The school offers a liberal arts education that focuses on excellence and fine arts experiences and includes Dance, Visual Arts, Band and Orchestra, Choral Music, Academically Talented programming and various athletics in addition to the standard curriculum. The school day begins at 7:45 AM and ends at 2:50 PM.

River City Scholars Charter Academy

River City Scholars Charter Academy

Located at 944 Evergreen St., River City Scholars’ mission is to focus on real-world skills, problem solving, and how to be a good citizen. The school’s teachers meet students at their ability level, while challenging them to go beyond. The students of River City Scholars draft a social contract which reinforces their commitment to their school, their teachers, and other students. River City offers a Kindergarten-8th highly academic and morally focused education.


High Schools

Ottawa Hills High School

Ottawa Hills High School

Located at 2055 Rosewood Ave SE, Ottawa Hills High School is part of the Grand Rapids Public Schools District. The school serves approximately 874 students in Grades 9 – 12 and participates in a district-created, district-wide Academic Plan centered around Career and College Readiness curriculum, including an English Language Learners program. The school day begins at 7:25 AM and ends at 2:10 PM. The school year is divided into two semesters. Ottawa Hills High School is one of the District’s three distinctively themed ‘Centers of Innovation’ schools – its theme as a School of Business, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship, is designed to expose students to business administration through online and traditionally taught classes and practical experience. Local universities partner with the school to provide work-based learning and dual enrollment opportunities.

Grand Rapids Christian High School

Grand Rapids Christian High School

Located at 2300 Plymouth Ave SE, Grand Rapids Christian High School is a private Christian affiliated high school serving approximately 924 students in Grades 9 – 12. It is one of Michigan’s top-performing high schools and has been named and ‘Exemplary Secondary School’ by the U.S. Department of Education. In addition to its standard core curriculum, the high school offers a variety of athletics and houses its fine arts programs in the DeVos Center for Arts & Worship, a facility created exclusively for the students of GRCHS and located on its campus. The school day begins at 7:55 AM and ends at 2:45 PM.